Form Creator for WordPress

WP Forms Creator – Beta Release Today!

Today we submitted our new WP Form Creator to WordPress for inclusion into the extensions directory and once approved you will be able to download the plugin as a beta application. This release includes all the foundation features we wanted to add in from the onset of the project so bloggers using our free plug-in can have a way to quickly, easily and effectively add in a fully XHTML compliant forms. Initially designed as a tool for clients of the UltimateIDX this plug-in will take all of the guess work out of adding compliant forms to your WordPress blog in a simple drag and drop style environment making it super easy to implement. From entry level bloggers to experienced professional designers, the new WP Form Creator makes form creation and design a snap.

Built with the same forethought and planning as our other free plug-ins, we always approach each of these projects with several important questions and a wide range of perspectives before we commit the development. In that regard, WP Form Creator solves problems. Experience had demonstrated that after looking at literally dozens and dozens of methods for including common forms such as a Competitive Market Analysis or even a basic contact form, were proving to be a challenge and confusing for novice bloggers. Our WP Form Creator does what no others currently do and that is add in truly easy to create forms and functionality to any blogger regardless of skill level and yet keep it fully XHTML Compliant.

What is an XHTML Compliant Form?

Site validation for compliance is more than just a buzzword or trendy way to bolster a coders character or ego (all though it may include such). Compliance standards help designers and developers demonstrate a level of competency and quality by adhering to a preset base line standard of rules for good coding. The XHTML standard as outlined by W3C states;

XML was conceived as a means of regaining the power and flexibility of SGML without most of its complexity. Although a restricted form of SGML, XML nonetheless preserves most of SGML’s power and richness, and yet still retains all of SGML’s commonly used features.

In essence, XHTML forms are built upon a foundation of structural and semantic tags suitable for authoring well formed documents that can be displayed with relative consistency for all modern browsers. A quick inventory of modern browsers would include all of those that adhere to the standards compliance with exception of Internet Explorer 5, 6, 7 and 8 as Microsoft browsers have never been “modern browsers”. To get an idea what XHTML markup for a form looks like, I’ve generated generated an example for your examination.

<form action="action.php" method="get" id="wpmcdemo">
<div class="row">
<label for="txt_Tryitout!Typethefieldnamesoutfirst,e.g.:">Try it out! Type the field names out first, e.g.:</label>
<input id="txt_Tryitout!Typethefieldnamesoutfirst,e.g.:" name="txt_Tryitout!Typethefieldnamesoutfirst,e.g.:" type="text" />
<div class="row">
<label for="txt_Firstname">First name</label>
<input id="txt_Firstname" name="txt_Firstname" type="text" />
<div class="row">
<label for="txt_Surname">Surname</label>
<input id="txt_Surname" name="txt_Surname" type="text" />
<div class="row">
<label for="txt_Town">Town</label>
<input id="txt_Town" name="txt_Town" type="text" />
<div class="row">
<label for="txt_State/Region">State/Region</label>
<input id="txt_State/Region" name="txt_State/Region" type="text" />

Although the full release documentation is yet to be finished you are none the less more than welcome to post questions and issues with this release for assistance.


  1. Avatar for SanDiego Al
    SanDiego Al says:

    I see this as a major WP enhancement! Is this something that is an exclusive to Ultimate IDX or do others offer the same and can you brake it down barney style as to exactly what this will do for us WP users?

  2. Avatar for Todd Lambert

    I installed it in a virgin WP 2.8.4 install. Activated it and went to the settings page, but nothing works. I see:

    NewOpen | Save


    Nothing is clickable and nothing works.

    Would love to get this working, let me know if you need any more info from me.


      1. Avatar for Andy

        I have installed the pluggin with the latest version of WordPress and I have the same issue Todd pointed out. Any suggestions?

    1. Avatar for Gayan

      When extracting the file make sure to rename the folder as “wp-formcreator” before activate the plugin. By this way you can rectify the errors occurred to such as Todd Lambert

  3. Avatar for Types of bridges
    Types of bridges says:

    Hi, I love your mini application which can be used with “Form Creator for WordPress” This is super helpful.

  4. Avatar for Jared Ritchey
    Jared Ritchey says:

    Another note, this plugin will have some substantial edits before it reaches final release and its best you DO NOT upgrade without first sending us an email.

  5. Avatar for margot darby

    Hello, the Beta version I just downloaded is still up there, and I get what Todd gets. I’m not nagging you, maybe I downloaded it from the wrong location? Looking forward to testing it out.

  6. Avatar for skip

    i’m digging the potential, but it’s VERY frustrating not being able to even test it out. i’ve tried this with a number of different themes, but still not getting any functionality… 🙁

    also, i used artisteer to generate my main site…is that going to be a problem?

    i have a handful of custom forms i need to get integrated ASAP, and i hate the thought of having to code them by hand…

  7. Avatar for Robert Seymour
    Robert Seymour says:

    I’m getting path issues. When saving the form it errors out by trying to save it to document root /export/www/html/wp-content instead of WP home /export/www/html/security/wp-content.

    How can I change that path?

    “File does not exist: /export/www/html/wp-content”



  8. Avatar for eagleout

    When I try to install the package from inside WP I get this error:

    Could not copy file /wp-content/upgrade/wp-form-creator.0.9.82/wp-form-creator/license.txt

    Any ideas? Thanks-

  9. Avatar for Barry Laminack
    Barry Laminack says:

    Has the plugin been released yet? I see the beta on the WP page, but not the actual release (unless I’m missing it).

    And thanks for creating it, looking forward to using it!

  10. Avatar for Robert

    I just downloaded this plug-in from Wp and it came up like todd and margot, have you got this working yet and if not do you have any Idea when you might, I think the plug-in itself looks great.

  11. Avatar for Vin Carrillo

    Just downloaded this plugin with high hopes, especially after reading numerous statements about releasing a working version soon (over a month ago). I have also run into the issue as others; nothing works.

    You should probably remove the plugin from circulation until a working version is available – this might prevent other expecting users from becoming frustrated and disenfranchised.

  12. Avatar for christian

    Very eager to use this plugin, any idea when a new version will be available that solves the problem of the plugin slowing down the site?

    Best regards,

  13. Avatar for Geoff@San Diego Real Estate
    Geoff@San Diego Real Estate says:

    I don’t see the Forms Creator plugin on my the WordPress menu for my San Diego homes website. Is this something that is included in the new IDX? Jared… please contact me. Thanks!
    .-= Geoff@San Diego Real Estate´s last blog ..Carmel Valley Luxury Homes Down =-.

    1. Avatar for Jared Ritchey
      Jared Ritchey says:

      The plugin is beta only, the actual plugin will not be released until months end. Sorry for the delay we have been pretty busy with other plugin updates.


  14. Avatar for christian

    Will the release comming end of this month have paypal support?. There are no other “forms” plug in for wordpress with paypal support.

    All the best

  15. Avatar for Eliana

    I found same problem, I just installed as Todd, Margot and David.

    is this not yet fixed? almost end of November..

    is there any form creator that can be use or copy paste to WP?

    Really need a help here..

    Thank you,

  16. Avatar for ryan vars

    These posts are 4 months old and still no fixes? How can you call this ‘beta’ when the version isn’t even operable?
    This plugin looks amazing but for name am going to have to delete from my site…

  17. Avatar for Kelly@Worpress Logo
    Kelly@Worpress Logo says:

    I have been looking to replace my current form creator on WordPress with a new one. I can’t wait until it is out of Beta. I am really looking forward to checking it out and I hope it fulfills the needs I am looking for.

  18. Avatar for Moxofi

    hi… people have been pretty polite in their words so far…

    i believed that, i would, at least be able to feel your User-Interface! but ALAS!!! [WP2.8.6]

    sorry… not worth trying it right now… please remove it from being downloaded… we are wasting our time!

  19. Avatar for Nono

    You guys need to reference your plugin directory dynamically. It’s current hardwired to wp-formcreator, but the zip expands to wp-form-creator. the dir should be set at runtime by determining the directory. dont assume users will unzip or name properly.

    1. Avatar for Jani

      Excatly this was my problem, i installet thru wordpress the plugin and it wouldnt work all i could see was:

      NewOpen | Save


      Nothing is clickable and nothing works.

      I had to FTP to my site and rename the wp-form-creator directory to wp-formcreator and reactivate the plugin and it started to work.

  20. Avatar for Nono

    – your JS scripts should only be included on your specific admin page. it’s currently breaking the entire wp admin panel.

    – it would be very nice for WPMU to have a form template that users could load. there would be master forms set by the admin/s, and users could include these forms or load and edit them to customize them for their specific blog.

    – it would also be nice to have an option to store form results in a database. wordpress has hooks to notify for numbers of items that need attention on the menu, which in this case would be unread forms.

    great, great work so far otherwise! WP is sorely lacking this functionality.

  21. Avatar for Brian@elevator cab panels
    Brian@elevator cab panels says:

    Sometime to set up a form there are many problems. To handle these problems there is at last form creator software “WP Forms Creator” whose beta version is now released. With the help of this product one can easily manage ones form without any difficulty. From a new user to a professional can use easily and save time and stress.

  22. Avatar for Angela@Webdesign Roosendaal

    A great tool: Form Creator! Too bad it doesn’t work properly with the latest WordPress releases :(. When are you guys planning to fix these issues? I think Form Creator can be a huge success when it’s fully working again!

  23. Avatar for Engineering Collage
    Engineering Collage says:

    FormMax (formerly AcroForm) is a complete solution that enables organizations to automate forms filling and data management. It is specifically designed to assist everyone in your organization that needs to design, distribute and fill out forms, and manage form data. $0 COST for the people who fill out the forms created in FormMax. Easily export to interactive PDF forms

  24. Avatar for Viktor

    It passed almost a year and no update on te plugin? It still doesn’t work, and honestly it was a waste of 5 minutes of my life to install it. I thought this was it, that’s what I need, an easy form maker in WP. But in the end, reading this comments, was really disappointed. And author doesnt even bother to remove the plugin from wp site or update the status on plugin development.

    Thanks a lot!

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